Health care delivery is not a science

It should be a public service, but today it is a business. As much as we don’t want Business Executives or Public Servants posing as doctors; we don’t want doctors acting as businessmen (not even if they were good at it). This is ill advise for both wallet and health.

Michael Porter points this out in his 2011 venture into healthcare economics: “Healthcare is organised around the exception rather than the rule” and “The way we are organised is the way we are trained rather the stuff we do”

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In the midst of the national health-care debate, Planet Money & This American Life tried to figure out why health care costs keep rising, and how health insurance works (or rather how it does not work).

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Somebody else’s Money


In theory it is simple: Market dynamics reward the provider of a scarce good that is in high demand. It is thereby in the interest of the provider to keep its service scarce and boost demand. We would want health care professionals to responsibly manage demand rather than regulate supply. Today our doctors are purchasers of their own supply. We are making it very hard for them to consider themselves in public service and act like it.